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What Should I Avoid After Breast Lift Surgery?

By: Dr. Tony Watt


A breast lift (also called mastopexy) can dramatically improve the appearance of sagging or drooping breasts. So, what should you expect after surgery, and how can you make breast lift recovery as seamless as possible?

Below, Dr. Tony Watt explains the details of this innovative procedure and what to avoid to help achieve great results. Call Watt Plastic Surgery & Med Spa to book a breast lift consultation. Our Tampa, FL, team would love to help you look and feel your best through this transformative surgery.

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift can raise and reshape breasts that sag and appear flat or droopy. During treatment, Dr. Watt removes excess skin and repositions the breasts to make a more youthful, lifted appearance. It also reduces the size of the areola (the colored area around your nipple) if desired.

Many women combine their mastopexy with breast augmentation for a total body transformation. However, keep in mind that each patient is unique and may require different procedures to achieve their desired outcomes.

What to avoid after a breast lift

After your mastopexy, following all post-operative care instructions closely is important. This will ensure a speedy and virtually complication-free breast lift recovery. Here are some general tips on what to avoid:

  • Strenuous activities: Heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, and high-impact sports place unnecessary strain on your incisions and disrupt the healing process. Consult with Dr. Watt to determine when and how to gradually resume your normal routine.
  • Smoking and alcohol: Smoking decreases blood flow and increases your risk of infection, making it harder for your body to heal properly. Alcohol consumption can also interfere with healing. Avoid both to ensure safe results.
  • Sun exposure and tanning: Direct sun exposure or tanning can cause your scars to darken and become more noticeable. If you must be outside, cover your incisions with clothing until they have healed.
  • Sleeping on your stomach: To minimize pressure on your breasts, sleep on your back in a slightly elevated position with pillows. This position also reduces excess swelling and maintains the desired breast contour and shape.
  • Tight clothing: You may be asked to wear a surgical bra or compression garment after a breast lift to support the healing tissue. Avoid wearing too-tight clothing that may irritate your incisions or hinder the natural shape of your new breasts.
  • Neglecting your follow-up appointments: Regular check-ups with Dr. Watt are essential to monitor your recovery and address any concerns. Do not skip these appointments in Tampa, FL, even if you feel well.

How long does it take to recover from a breast lift?

Depending on the extent of your surgery, breast lift recovery time varies. In general, expect to rest and reduce physical activity for at least six weeks. During this time, avoid anything that could potentially hinder healing or cause complications. Rest assured that our patients rave about their excellent results and minimal discomfort after a breast lift.

Achieve your dream figure

A breast lift can be life-changing, improving your self-confidence and giving you a more youthful silhouette. Dr. Tony Watt and our team at Watt Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Tampa, FL, are passionate about helping you achieve your desired figure safely and effectively. Contact us to book your initial assessment and learn more about our mastopexy today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.